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The New Leadership Landscape

Redefining True Leadership

By 2025, Millenials will make up 75% of the workforce

69% of them feel unprepared to be in leadership roles.

Together, we can do something about it. 

Let's build the leaders of tomorrow. Today!

Join a Leadership Coaching Group.

Grow Yourself

Grow Your People

Build Momentum

Grow Your Business

What's at Stake?

Most businesses will fail because of a lack of leadership.

  • A mere 14% of CEOs possess the required leadership talent to foster the growth of their businesses.

  • Within the initial 18 months, 38% of new leaders experience failure without proper training.

  • A Gallup poll shows that employee turnover/lack of employee retention due to poor leadership practices costs American companies $630 billion per year due to employee productivity loss, recruiting, and other hiring costs. 

Without investing in leadership development for yourself and your team, you are setting your business up to fail. Joining a group will not only help you grow your business but will help it succeed long after you’ve stepped away.

Businesses that invest in leadership development see, on average, a 788% return on investment. Our coaching meets this standard and maybe exceeds it. 

How Our Group Coaching Works

Join a Group

Click 'Join a Group Today',

Fill out the information and take the brief assessment to give you your current True Leadership score.

Become a True Leader

The Group meets twice a month for 90 minutes. In the first session, you will be introduced to a new topic and how it builds on your leadership journey. In the second session, you will learn when and how to apply the topic. 

Grow Your Business

After the six month group your business will basically be growing itself. Just enjoy and be amazed at how effective your people are at growing your business because of your true leadership.

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What it means to Pull the Chute

Grow Yourself
Invest in yourself to become the leader that inspires success. We will give you the tools and insights you need to live out of your strengths and passions, make strategic decisions with confidence, and empower others to reach their full potential.
Grow Your People
Invest in the growth of your team and cultivate a culture of success and collaboration. This enables each member to reach their full potential. As your people grow, they'll drive innovation and efficiency, becoming the cornerstone of your business's success.
Build Momentum 
After growing yourself and your people, you’ll feel a compounding effect of momentum building. That momentum gets fueled as you accomplish milestones in tuning your business vision into a reality. The momentum you generate will drive your growth and scaling.
Grow Your Business
Watch as your business grows and becomes a thriving, healthy organization where people love to work. You will be getting to do what you love, as your business grows to new heights.
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What to Expect


Gain insights into what makes a True Leader and why it can be both effective and infectious with the rest of you team and peers.

Accountable Partnerships

Gain a mentor and peers who provide honest feedback, hold you accountable, and guide you through challenging problems.


Practical advice and solutions that you can implement immediately to start seeing tangible results.

What’s included in our Group Leadership Coaching?

  • Six Months of 90 minunte group coaching sessions twice a month

  • A community of support built on authentic connections with up to 7 other business leaders on their journey to becoming True Leaders

  • The ability to communicate your vision clearly, get the right people in the right seats, and create trusting authentic relationships within your entire business

  • A Coach guiding your group through practices and experiences to become True Leaders

  • Unlimited access to your group’s leadership coach, for real-time coaching through a call, text or email


Here is what our clients have to say 

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Mike Rhodes

"What an amazing culture we built. Your patience, guidance, and wisdom not only helped us grow but kept us on track. Your counsel and presence when dealing with issues, big or small, was such a calming effect not only on me but the team as well."

Jesse Davenport

"Jeff has continually guided and kept me calm during our recent growth spurt. Growing is always good, but how we handle it is critical to our success. Jeff's patience, calmness, and guidance have helped us navigate moving into a new space. His continual leadership guidance was amazing."

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Allen Christie

"Jeff's situational approach and customized solutions are unique and on point. He has helped not only my practice grow, but also I grew as a person and a leader. Always pushing me to step out of my comfort zone."

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Be a guest on our Podcast. Share your service, product, and philosophies in this weekly podcast with over 2,000 downloads. Your message will be shared with 8,000+ listeners across our professional network.
Video Interviews
Show your face and be a guest on The Journey Video Interview.  People love hearing a great business startup story,  the highs, lows, and lessons learned. Interviews are conducted in person or on Zoom.
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Our next workshop is coming soon. Check back here for more information.
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